House Slab Inspections and Approvals
Information obtained from QBCC

Building certifiers inspect and approve building work including the foundations of the house slab prior to it being poured. Additionally this includes the House Slab foundations. and excavation (footings) – before footings are poured for the house slab.
Building Certifiers make sure the concrete slab is prepared in compliance with the relevant aspects of approved building plans and appropriate building standards They can work for local government or as a private certifier.
Regardless of who a licensed building certifier works for, they must always act in the public interest when performing building certifying functions.
The duty to act in the public interest when performing building certification is a certifier’s primary duty. If there is an inconsistency in a certifier’s obligations, acting in the public interest prevails.
A building certifier’s failure to act in the public interest may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Examples of a building certifier failing to act in the public interest include:
seeking or accepting a benefit to themselves or others for acting contrary to their statutory functions
acting contrary to their statutory functions
falsely claiming to hold the appropriate licence needed to carry out building assessments of a particular type
acting outside the scope of their legislated powers
contravening the Code of Conduct for Building Certifiers
acting in a grossly negligent or incompetent way.
Building certifiers can:-
assess and approve plans relating to new or altered buildings
inspect stages of work, aspects of stages or aspects of assessable work, including mandatory stages for class 1a single detached buildings:
house slab foundations and excavation (footings) – before footings are poured
house frame – before the cladding or lining is fixed, or masonry construction begun
final – when the building work is completed
provide certificates of inspection to the homeowner, builder and local authority
issue enforcement notices where required
give final approval for a building to be occupied.
Building certifiers must keep copies of all building inspection documents for at least 7 years after the building work is completed.
What is the building certifier not responsible for?
ensuring a builder is complying with the contract
quality control
job site supervision.